SITREP 3Q 2014
Being a assessment of projects involving me that are currently ongoing, about to go on or already gone.
Tenspotting - This short rom com (co-written with Emily Blake) set at a Doctor Who convention is funded and will go before the cameras soon. It will star Chloe Dykstra (right), Tiffany Smith and Kit Williamson.
- [TITLE REDACTED] - a half-hour pilot about [REDACTED] is on hold for talent availability.
- #Tradecraft - This webseries about spies, conspiracies, and other secrets has shot two episodes which will be used as a proof-of-concept in attempting to secure financing.
- Personal goal of writing one pilot per quarter is ahead of schedule. Three down.
- Mastermind - The staging of my one-act by Piers Beckley at the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention in London was, by all reports, well-received indeed. Where shall this mysterious malefactor strike next? If interested in staging a production of Mastermind, contact me at the address in the sidebar.