Here's my 1.7 ¥ on the Emmys (taken on their face and not for the many deserving more people who were not nominated in their respective categories and also disregarding the fact that the people who vote on the Emmys don't watch enough television to vote on the Emmys because as (NAME DROP ALERT) Joss Whedon once said to me, you can either watch TV or make TV).
- Bryan Cranston continues to righteously rock, but at this rate, Hugh Laurie is gonna pull a Martin Sheen and that's a travesty.
- Disappointed by the lack of Friday Night Lights win, but even then I thought Margulies was gonna take Best Actress. Which would not be a bad thing.
- Very pleased by Archie Punjabi's win. She had one of the best new characters on TV last season (If not THE best) and was fully deserving, though it was unexpected.
- Was kinda rooting for Michael Emerson for creating a completely different version of Ben Linus this year, but I really can't complain about Aaron Paul at all.
- As for the Mad Men wins...well as a whole I thought most of the other series in Best Drama had better years that Mad Men. I would have gone for Breaking Bad or Lost. And in terms of writing, it wasn't even the better of the two Mad Men scripts that were up. I'll leave it at that.