- I am currently exactly halfway through my Fringe spec, currently titled "The Gain." The Leverage spec that had been mentioned previous has been mothballed...for now anyway. Area Four's initial vomit draft is completed and will be put through the notes ringer...later, right now I'm returning to a previous pilot for tweaking.
- A feature script is in the preliminary stages. It may either be a feature version of The Black House or of Mastermind.
- Mastermind will be produced in July by the Eclectic Company Theatre in North Hollywood. There will be six performances as a part of their Hurricane Season Festival of New Plays. There will be more about that later.
And it also appears that Mastermind may be produced this summer in Canada. More on the "international premiere" as it develops.
- There's one thing that I'm not going to tell you about. But it was huge. For me.
- I've got to dash off a new Auslander shortly. Likely set in Mexico and titled "Viva El Extranjero!" Also, there is news pending regarding The out for that at some point.
- Had a bunch of meetings around town, all of which went in varying degrees of well, however the staffing environment being what it is, all are likely all just groundwork for the future.
©2025 Michael Patrick Sullivan
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