Wasting no time, I need to get a jump on perhaps the most difficult part (for me). That would be casting.
There are two roles...well, there are three, but one of the roles only has like three lines so I'm not going to worry about it right now. The two leads are as follows:
- J.D. -male, must look anywhere between 25-35, average build, a super genius with memory problems
- LIZ - female, also, 25-35, average build, a snarky Lois Lane type.
So clearly, a wide latitude in casting needs.
The plan is one performance on 4/18. Though there is a plan for another performance later i the year and I'm all about using the same people if possible. This is not a paying gig, but it's good as a showcase. There should also be a video of the performance. As I said, details are still coming together, but if you are an actor or know someone who is and can commit to a play with about a half hour running time, then contact me at the email in the upper right corner. Please include any images (headshots) or You Tube links that might be useful. Any questions, throws those in too.
This post will be updated as needed, including when the roles are filled.
UPDATE 3/31: J.D. is cast. Liz is cast.