In advance of the announcements, I present the nominations for the My Not Emmys of which the categories are few, the decisions unapologetically capricious and the winners remain unannounced so that I don't have to make tough decisions. Eligibility requirements are that they aired in the U.S. during the Emmy eligibility period and that I have watched it (sorry, second season of Rome - shut out because I waited for DVD) and remembered it while I was writing this post (sorry, ___________) . After the 19th, should I be so inclined to compare and contrast, I will...compare and contrast.
Though thanks to the leaks in this year's Emmy process, we already know that some of my selections are certain to not be duplicated and were possibly not even submitted.
I also invite you, gentle reader...or vicious reader to proffer your own award nominations, either in comments or on your own site. Your choices, your rules.
Do keep in mind that the following is hardly a scientific or even remotely objective assessment and is far more reflective of stuff that I dig with just a little bit of filtering for stuff that I dig but know is crap.
The Emmys have done six before, so I did six.
- Doctor Who (if you question the eligibility, let me point out that the UK version of The Office was nominated in 2005, also A&E pushed MI-5 (a.k.a Spooks)the first year it had it)
- Friday Night Lights
- Heroes
- House
- Veronica Mars
- The Wire
- Stephen Moffat - Doctor Who: "The Girl in the Fireplace"
- Laurence Kaplow - House: "Half-Wit"
- Aaron Sorkin - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip: "Pilot" (pilot rocked, series...less so)
- David Weddle, Bradley Thompson - Battlestar Galactica: "Exodus, Part Two"
- John Wells - Smith: "Pilot" (yeah, I said it...wanna fight about it?)
Wherein I nominate essentially all of the comedies I watch...not that it's a big field or anything these days.
- 30 Rock
- Gilmore Girls (I know, lost in the categories...that's why it never won when it actually deserved it)
- My Name is Earl
- The Office
- Scrubs
- Jennifer Celotta - The Office: "Grief Counseling"
- Lee Eisenberg, Michael Schur, Gene Stupnitsky - The Office: "Traveling Salesmen"
- Tina Fey - 30 Rock: "The C Word"
- Tina Fey - 30 Rock: "Up All Night"
- David Rosenthal - Gilmore Girls: "Bon Voyage"