You ever - you know - break some script (or novel or short story or hate mail) you've written, be it two weeks ago, two years ago or two gigaseconds ago, and just read it because you want to? Do you ever read your own stuff for your own entertainment? To revel in pure egocentric self admiration? Or even just to remind yourself that you don't totally suck?
Now let me be clear here. You're not reading it for purposes of revision, rewriting, editing, tweaking, punching up, spellchecking (spellcheck that Hollandaise - see it works) or vision testing. You're reading it because you want to. Though if you wind up punching something up, then fine...you're a saucier. Write.
- If the answer is "yeah, sure" (even if you're modest enough to think there's something wrong with actually saying that answer out loud) then, cool. Go do it now. You'll be glad you did. It's a good motivational thing to get writing some more
crapamazing stuff.
- If the answer is "uh...no." Then you're doing something wrong. If you don't want to read it then how can you possibly expect anyone who's not you do the same. Either try harder or quit now.
The sauce in the photo is cranberry mustard. Awesome on fries, hot dogs, turkey sandwiches, chunks of cheese, rice cakes, white bread and your index finger (middle and distal). Sometimes it's just about finding a delivery system.