These are things I could have written about but didn't because I was all wrapped up doing Mastermind.
Pretty cool. A lot of the rightmost panelists didn't talk a lot, but Joss did. It's easy to listen to him talk about anything on account of him being, you know, witty. Nothing major in the way of news that came out it, but it was certainly interesting from the perspective of a series with network troubles and a somewhat disgruntled exec.

Saw five people I know there. Probably missed another five.
In other Joss news, he won the Bradbury Award at the Nebulas.
Certainly benefited from the more-fun-with-an-audience effect. Not that I didn't like Pushing Daisies in the first place. Very cool to see the last three episodes on the big screen. I'll not spoil them as they will air next month or so and be out on DVD.
Except to say that closure is provided, abruptly, but not unsatisfyingly.
Fuller was present and unofficially announced a 12 "episode" continuation of Pushing Daisies from DC Comics.
Watched with Josh and Jul Weiss-Roessler (who can be found at Boring Future Generations and Pink Raygun respectively) and an Unidentified Individual of Some Import. Cat and Fiddle. It was warm and there was an unusually high douchebag quotient outside, so we got the big corner booth. We spoke of pilot progress, sobering realizations, live theatre, job opportunities, lack thereof, and the fact that the J's had seen both my evil twin and the UISI's earlier that day.
There was some question that I am the evil twin and he was the good one,
Returning to it after having been preoccupied. Thinking about not finishing the Leverage spec. I'm not sure it's working. Though maybe finishing, subjecting it to the writers group and a rewrite might cover things. Wanted to get it done for the programs this year, but might go with Mad Men instead...or Southland. If I get to that quickly.
Yeah, seriously considering Southland. It's looking pretty viable at the mo'. Holding off though, while I finish my own (Chicago) cop called Area Four. I settled on Area Four because it's the police region that covers a lot of gang territory while also covering the gentrified/hipster/white collar neighborhoods like Humboldt Park and Wicker Park. Midtown and West Side.
And I've been convinced to attempt a feature script again. Haven't done in some while. It'll be a feature version of Mastermind.
You've probably seen this by now. If it is. Carousel by Adam Berg.
Pretty cool. A lot of the rightmost panelists didn't talk a lot, but Joss did. It's easy to listen to him talk about anything on account of him being, you know, witty. Nothing major in the way of news that came out it, but it was certainly interesting from the perspective of a series with network troubles and a somewhat disgruntled exec.
Matt Roush, Joss, Eliza, Fran, Dichen, Miracle, Craft & Fain
Saw five people I know there. Probably missed another five.
In other Joss news, he won the Bradbury Award at the Nebulas.
Certainly benefited from the more-fun-with-an-audience effect. Not that I didn't like Pushing Daisies in the first place. Very cool to see the last three episodes on the big screen. I'll not spoil them as they will air next month or so and be out on DVD.
Except to say that closure is provided, abruptly, but not unsatisfyingly.
Fuller was present and unofficially announced a 12 "episode" continuation of Pushing Daisies from DC Comics.
Watched with Josh and Jul Weiss-Roessler (who can be found at Boring Future Generations and Pink Raygun respectively) and an Unidentified Individual of Some Import. Cat and Fiddle. It was warm and there was an unusually high douchebag quotient outside, so we got the big corner booth. We spoke of pilot progress, sobering realizations, live theatre, job opportunities, lack thereof, and the fact that the J's had seen both my evil twin and the UISI's earlier that day.
There was some question that I am the evil twin and he was the good one,
Returning to it after having been preoccupied. Thinking about not finishing the Leverage spec. I'm not sure it's working. Though maybe finishing, subjecting it to the writers group and a rewrite might cover things. Wanted to get it done for the programs this year, but might go with Mad Men instead...or Southland. If I get to that quickly.
Yeah, seriously considering Southland. It's looking pretty viable at the mo'. Holding off though, while I finish my own (Chicago) cop called Area Four. I settled on Area Four because it's the police region that covers a lot of gang territory while also covering the gentrified/hipster/white collar neighborhoods like Humboldt Park and Wicker Park. Midtown and West Side.
And I've been convinced to attempt a feature script again. Haven't done in some while. It'll be a feature version of Mastermind.
You've probably seen this by now. If it is. Carousel by Adam Berg.