So it begins.

The scripts have been completed for my six-part web series project for a little bit now. The illness and subsequent death of my friend, writing partner and professionally-trained sous chef ate into the production budget with medical bills, but I'm pressing forward. That's why the gods invented credit cards.
Area Five is, to put it simply, a cop show. Every episode is about 10 minutes and takes place entirely in the interrogation room, as seen through the station's video cameras. The main character is Luther Crump, a young African-American detective on the rise in the department with the highest homicide clearance rate in Area Five.* He frequently winds up dealing with the fallout from clashes between black and Hispanic gangs and...he's got a secret.
Area Five is so low budget, I'm calling it sub-budget, fortunately, the conceit of being shot through the room cameras lets me get away with a few things production-wise. The entire project is devised entirely around the use-what-you-have method. What I don't have are actors. Well, I got a couple. I need more.
This is the first of a few casting notices. Here's the deal. Listen up actors or people who know actors in the greater Los Angeles Southland area.
LIZA CREADY - Female - young, trendy professional from a hip neighborhood, character arrested during a "zombie walk" so will appear in zombie make-up, she's a little drunk and an emotionally vulnerable individual who hides it well, up to a point. Some of the blood on her "costume" might not be fake.
McIRVIN SIMMS - Male - African-American, veteran of the first Gulf War, addicted to painkillers though he might have moved on to something harder. Gang-involved, but not actually a member. He's screwed up just about every opportunity he's ever had and is about to find out he's run out of opportunities altogether. He's got three bodies in his yard.
If interested, email me directly at m at redrighthand dot net.
*Area Five is the five-police-district section of Chicago that covers roughly the north/central part of town.
Area Five is, to put it simply, a cop show. Every episode is about 10 minutes and takes place entirely in the interrogation room, as seen through the station's video cameras. The main character is Luther Crump, a young African-American detective on the rise in the department with the highest homicide clearance rate in Area Five.* He frequently winds up dealing with the fallout from clashes between black and Hispanic gangs and...he's got a secret.
Area Five is so low budget, I'm calling it sub-budget, fortunately, the conceit of being shot through the room cameras lets me get away with a few things production-wise. The entire project is devised entirely around the use-what-you-have method. What I don't have are actors. Well, I got a couple. I need more.
This is the first of a few casting notices. Here's the deal. Listen up actors or people who know actors in the greater Los Angeles Southland area.
- The pay is a little less than scale. And by that I mean, nothing (save for buying the cast lunch for each shoot and a DVD copy of the completed series).
- Each actor's shoot will be done in one day. That day will be on the weekend.
- Each actor's shoot will be scheduled around them...on a weekend day. Nothing will be scheduled in February.
- If you've got some example of your work up on YouTube or something, that'll help, but it's not required.
LIZA CREADY - Female - young, trendy professional from a hip neighborhood, character arrested during a "zombie walk" so will appear in zombie make-up, she's a little drunk and an emotionally vulnerable individual who hides it well, up to a point. Some of the blood on her "costume" might not be fake.
McIRVIN SIMMS - Male - African-American, veteran of the first Gulf War, addicted to painkillers though he might have moved on to something harder. Gang-involved, but not actually a member. He's screwed up just about every opportunity he's ever had and is about to find out he's run out of opportunities altogether. He's got three bodies in his yard.
If interested, email me directly at m at redrighthand dot net.
*Area Five is the five-police-district section of Chicago that covers roughly the north/central part of town.