Football Wives didn't get a pick up.
Not entirely surprised. Read some of the script. Didn't care for it. Not exactly my cup of sodium benzoate, though, so...
Some have mentioned the budget being a bit much. I'll believe that. I actually got to spend a day on the set toward the end of the pilot shoot and some of what I saw suggest that maybe things went a little over. However, I'm just an outside observer and what the fuck do I know?
Lucy Lawless was nice, though.
There's also been suggestion that the NFL bullied it out of existence. I seem to recall they did something like that with Playmakers, but that was on ESPN. Does ABC even have football at this point?
Not entirely surprised. Read some of the script. Didn't care for it. Not exactly my cup of sodium benzoate, though, so...
Lucy Lawless was nice, though.
There's also been suggestion that the NFL bullied it out of existence. I seem to recall they did something like that with Playmakers, but that was on ESPN. Does ABC even have football at this point?