As detailed here.
And about damned time too. The old symbol was simply too unclear. It could easily mean "Beware of ceiling fan" or something.
Leave it up to those bastards at the IAEA to botch it up like a big botched up thing.
The new symbol is obviously going to be misread as "Watch out for sharpened spaghetti shot from ceiling fans at pirates and Olympic marathon runners.
You see it that way, don't you?

Don't you?
And about damned time too. The old symbol was simply too unclear. It could easily mean "Beware of ceiling fan" or something.
Leave it up to those bastards at the IAEA to botch it up like a big botched up thing.
The new symbol is obviously going to be misread as "Watch out for sharpened spaghetti shot from ceiling fans at pirates and Olympic marathon runners.
You see it that way, don't you?
Don't you?