So after reading that, my first thought was this.
"Less opportunities."
From the point of view of trying to pry my way in, this is just X number of opportunities per year that aren't gonna be there anymore. It's a whole network going away. Broadcast network development is (theoretically) going down by 20%. yeah, there's still cable outlets and what-not, and who knows what CW's (The CW ?) attitiude is going to be toward development, but even then...there's only two hours a night these guys have to program...unless they kick it up to match the big three, which I wish they would. Fox too. Screw the news. That's what news channels are for!
The lovely, witty and uber-fantastical Jane Espenson (yeah, wonder what my opinion of her might be...) looks at it from the point of view of someone completely opposite of where I am.
This whole deal came at just the right time. I've been way too sleepy to think of anything to post lately and had been considering putting up another One Page. I'll save that for another time.
So after reading that, my first thought was this.
"Less opportunities."
This whole deal came at just the right time. I've been way too sleepy to think of anything to post lately and had been considering putting up another One Page. I'll save that for another time.